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Bob Ross Style, Animal, Floral, and Portraits
Oils, Watercolors, and Acrylics

Joy Of Painting

Oil Painting Classes

Paint and sip, but better,
because it is a Bob Ross Painting Class

by appointment only
Text Hope at 720-474-1220

Several artists are featured in the canvas art collection.

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Bob Ross style oil painting for sale

Other Great Teachers

I have had great privilege of learning many different ways of putting paint to canvas (and more).
These folks has helped me along the way. If your ever in their area check out what they can teach you. Click their Image to a link to their sites/pages.

Maron Dutton March 2024 England

Maron Dutton March 2024 England

Marion Maz Dutton from Stoke on Trent England. She does oils, Acrylics, Watercolors, and more!

Kevin Hill 2023

Kevin Hill 2023

Kevin Hill is a mixed media artist from Tennessee. You have probably seen his You tube videos and his own paint line. Kevin only teaches a few times a year so get on his mailing list.

Gini Deaton

Gini Deaton

Gini teaches in New Castle, Indiana. She has many artistic talents! Check out her web page at all the stuff she has painted. You'll be glad you came to take a class from her.

JD Wayne

JD Wayne

JD Wayne in Richmond Indiana. Can paint on ANYTHING! I have taken classes on wood from him. I have also been to many classes with JD and seen the beautiful work he does.

Bram Bevins

Bram Bevins

Bram is in Maryville Tn. Loves to paint trees! And now you can find him in more places around the country.

E John Robinson

E John Robinson

E. John Robinson was known for his seascapes an landscapes. You can find his amazing instructions on digital videos at Or click on his photo.

Dana Jester

Dana Jester

Dana Jester, Long time friend of Bob Ross. He has gone beyond big mountains and happy trees. Keep an eye out for his classes! He is on Instagram and FB

Steve Ross

Steve Ross

Steve Ross is the Master of Mountains. - Bob Ross

David Brancato 2018

David Brancato 2018

David taught me how to see light! and Dark. Lol. I did a portrait of my husband in black and white.

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